celebrating our second century
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Behind-The-Scenes Drama Tours

Enjoy memorable moments in the Florida sunshine. Our exclusive curated collection of experiences range from wellness classes to cultural events, on property and off!

Palm Beach Dramaworks

Tap your inner thespian with AKA West Palm’s Live It experience in partnership with Palm Beach Dramaworks.

Tap your inner thespian with AKA West Palm’s Live It experience in partnership with Palm Beach Dramaworks. AKA Residents receive a personalized backstage theatre tour and then experience the dynamic theatre class Dramawise at Palm Beach Dramaworks. Dramawise explores the excitement of PBD’s productions as they investigate the upcoming play’s themes and examine the characters, social relevance, and viewpoints expressed by the playwright. Learn firsthand from the cast and artistic team about the evolution of the play and the creative process, and ask questions of the playwright, director, artists, and stage managers
